What Happened Next: Revenge of the Wasps

After a wasps sting, its normal to feel a little bit of anxiety next time you hear that distinct buzz. And Luc’s experience of several wasps stings at once was traumatic for him. You can read all about it here! You can also read our 5 Ways to treat a Painful Wasps Sting at Home here. What happened next? Read our story here…

This story is part of our What Happened Next series.

Get Ready for the Wasps Invasion

Luc (Aged 7)

They are back.

“Mummy! Daddy!” I yell in my loudest voice.

“What’s happened?” They rush up the stairs.

“They are buzzing in the bathroom. I can hear them. Don’t go in there!” I panic as Daddy goes into the bathroom.

“It’s just a fly.”

dad chasing a fly in the bathroom

A fly that has joined the wasp army maybe. Coming in the take a look, find some good hiding spots. Ready to sting us when we least expect it.

I can hear them, the giant wasps army, buzzing around the open windows, waiting for the best moment. They are back for their revenge.

The fly is just a decoy, lulling us into thinking everything is fine.

But it’s not. Mummy and Daddy just don’t get the seriousness of what we are facing. A wasps invasion.

I shut the window. I don’t care if its summer, if its hot. I am the last line of defence.

For More Information on Summer Illnesses and Injuries including Wasps Stings

Here is a list of common summer illnesses and injuries in children and how parents can prevent or prepare for them.

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