5 Ways to Have the Perfect Start to the New School Year
5 Ways to Have the Perfect Start to the New School Year
Are you dreading the start of the new school year? Is your first day back always a rush? There are so many little bits to get for the start of a new school year. New shoes, uniforms, bags, lunch-boxes,...
Children starting the new school year with unhappy faces
New School Year: What Children Worry About
When our children start a new school year, it can a time of uncertainty and anxiety. Many are heading back to a place they are familiar with, with friends they know well and a routine that will feel the...
New School Year: A Parent's Point of View
The new school year is about to start and it can bring conflicting emotions for parents. On the one hand you are often exhausted, over-stimulated and behind on every imaginable chore and work-related project....
Child looking worried as he looks as last coin in his pocket money barrel
What Happened Next: The Problem with Pocket Money
Pocket money is an excellent tool to help children build good spending, saving and giving habits. But it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. You can catch up with our full pocket money stories...
Mini Blog 3
What Happened Next: Revenge of the Wasps
After a wasps sting, its normal to feel a little bit of anxiety next time you hear that distinct buzz. And Luc’s experience of several wasps stings at once was traumatic for him. You can read all...
Mini Blog 2
What Happened Next: Excited for the Next Match
Tomos was so excited for his first school rugby competition. And the disappointment of missing it was crushing. Find out what happened here. You can also read our 5 Ways for Parents to Support their Children...
Tooth Fairy and Child battling over a tooth lying on a bunkbed
What Happened Next: The Battle with The Tooth Fairy
If you were wondering if the Tooth Fairy came back for the next wobbly tooth or if there is a giant spider hoarding baby teeth under the bed, find out here. You can also catch up on what happened when...
Sports Day: 5 Ways to easily improve your child's wellbeing
Sports Day: 5 Ways to Easily Improve Your Child's Wellbeing
As someone who absolutely hated Sports Day as a child, you might be surprised that I am advocating the importance of sports days. But handled well and sensitively, I think Sports Day has the opportunity...
My First Sports Day: Always Better with a Friend
First sports day can be daunting for children with its mix of races and over-competitive parents. They can be noisy, overwhelming and exhausting. But amidst of all the chaos, sports days can enable moments...
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