Child screaming on top of bed

A Parent Fatigue Story Part 1 – “I’m Awake!”

This story is part of our parenting fatigue series.

We’ve all got ‘one’ somewhere in the family and if you haven’t it’s because you are the ‘one’. The early bird, the lark, the morning person. Those who have the ability to launch themselves into the day with enthusiasm and joy. They have boundless energy from the second their eyes open. And then there are those who are the complete opposite. Here’s our story…

Tomos - Aged 8

Yes! It’s light. The day has begun. They won’t fool me with these dark black-out curtains with blinds behind them. I can see the crack of light finding its way through. And light means its day and daytime means it’s time to be awake.


What’s the time?




7:02AM. It’s 7:02am? How can that be? It’s been daytime for ages and I’ve been asleep? What’s happened? I should have been awake hours ago. I usually start my day with carefully watching the clock from around 6am (5.30am if I’m lucky) to ensure that I am up the minute 6:59am morphs into the magic number. The glorious number. The number that means not only has the day begun but I am now finally allowed to live it.

Child lying in bed with a cross face.

7am. The time in our house that we are allowed to jump out of bed and play and eat and make noise (within reason I’m told). 7AM I tell you. It’s daylight robbery.


And now it’s 7:02am and I’ve missed two whole minutes of my day. This is a disaster. This is what they call a “lie-in”. “They” being every other member of my family who seem to cherish sleeping for as long as possible in the morning. Pressing the snooze button on their alarms – I mean who even invented that? Losing valuable living minutes each and every day. And don’t even get me started on Saturdays. (It’s 7:30am on Saturdays!) And they look at me as the weird one. Wait! It’s now 7:03am. I’ve missed three minutes of my day.


“Luc! It’s 7:03am.” I yell, frantically climbing out of bed. I will not be losing another second of this day. Not one second.


Luc is stirring from his bed. His eyes open briefly.


Child climbing down the ladder of a bunk bed

“Come on Luc! Now It’s 7:04am. Time to get up!” I pull the curtains aside, flooding the room with light. That’s better. Luc shuts his eyes again.


I march into Mummy and Daddy’s room. “I’ve had a lie-in!”

For more help with Parent Fatigue...

If your child is an early riser, click here to find some excellent practical tips for how to help your child stay in bed longer, manage their own sleep patterns better and more…

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